As the Empire expanded its territory, the long occupying natives resisted relentlessly. However, they all eventually fell before the Empire's brutal military force as well as overwhelming technology. Dakaris' homeland, the reclusive Lake Eretana, hidden deep inside the mountains, was no exception. The Empire let the natives stay in their land, but by no means were they treated with respect. To make things worse, the officers and nobles appointed to the area were mostly corrupted, making it even more difficult for the natives. The noble appointed to Lake Eretana was especially the worse. The atrocities grew worse each day, eventually leading to the deaths of young, and innocent Lizardmen. This lead Dakaris to gather his tribe to get back their freedom. 'To soothe the spirits of my ancestors, and to liberate my tribe - I will not hesitate, I will take back our rightful future with the Resistance.' Currently, he is a key member of the Resistance, leading them with his wisdom and insight.