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Instructor of Open Fire
  • Gender Female
  • Race Human
  • Age 13
  • Birthday February 5th
  • Height 128cm
  • Attribute Physical

Hanus was only 13 when the Guild Allied Forces recruited her. She is known as the legendary girl who was also called as the little giantess of the battlefield. As the daughter of the guild master of a weapon guild, Hanus used to play with discarded firearms and blades when she was young. This is when the others discovered her ingenuity in arms. The Guild Alliance decided that they cannot allow such profound talent to go to waste. The Alliance, after barely managing to convince Hanus' father who fiercely disagreed with the Alliance's decision, recruited her. Hanus was trained along with other soldiers, and just as the Guild had expected, she displaced her talent on battlefield. Hanus' revolutionary weapons were ridiculously strong enough to shift the paradigm of warfare. Her craftmanship, combined with her masterful tactics, marked the birth of an ultimate soldier of the Allied Forces. Moreover, Hanus herself vastly enjoyed her life in the army, as she could utilize her handcrafted weapons to their fullest. However, great talent meant more demands and battles to fight. During an operation, Hanus ended up being wounded. Upon hearing this news about her daughter's injury, Hanus' father who detested seeing his daughter in the army ever since the early days, raised his voice against the Alliance, and strongly demanded her daughter to be discharged from service at once. However, as people say, no parents are strong enough to bend their child's will. Hanus, who would rather die than be discharged from service, persistently persuaded her father. In the end, she managed to get her father's approval, under the condition that she stays in the military only as an instructor that doesn't participate in battles. Currently, Hanus thinks that her life as an instructor is not too bad at all, but deep inside, she still yearns to return to battlefields. Inside the Command Center, she silently awaits for the day when she will finally stand on the battlefield with comrades whom she taught.

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