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Spear of Dawn
  • Gender Female
  • Race ???
  • Age ???
  • Birthday January 4th
  • Height 170cm
  • Attribute Magic

'Project: Brunhild started long ago in the early ages of the Technomagic Kingdom by the royal family, who feared the coming of the cycle's end. The first step of the project was to make a vessel that could contain the authority of god so that they could create 'an imitation god who would do the bidding of the humans.' Though they created various synthetic Demon Beasts, Golems, and even humans, every one of their subjects failed to retain their form and ended up falling to pieces. The scientists of the research facility turned their attention to the powerful beings called 'Transcendants,' who were already close to the source. With the data of the Transcendants gathered by the kingdom, the scientists created Hilda, an artificial Transcendant. Hilda was simply a tool to create a new world; her purpose was to escape the cycle and destroy the current rules. She existed only as a 'weapon' to oppose the current goddess and therefore was not granted a personality or a will of her own. She spent her entire life in a deep slumber, except when she was undergoing adjustment to prepare her for the title of god or when she was being brainwashed to think a certain way, starting from a cold test tube and later locked up in the research facility. Trapped in an endless cycle of sleeping and waking up, Hilda chose to accept her identity as a weapon to protect her sanity instead of trying to learn the names of her emotions. Project: Brunhild was shut down right before the completion of the new god. It was none other by the command of the new ruler of the kingdom, Siegfried Felix Liesnel...

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