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Intellect of Technomagic
  • Gender Female
  • Race Human
  • Age 28
  • Birthday March 20th
  • Height 160cm
  • Attribute Physical

Magos Le'Flamme is the Vespian Empire's largest weapons development organization and the best Technomagic research institution. Its chief director is Valance de Charlie, the greatest mind of Technomagic. Like anyone with natural talents in a certain field, ever since her teenage years, Valance displayed great skills in handling Technomagic and crafting. Valance was recognized for her talent and joined the academy at a young age after skipping grades. Of course, not everything was flowers and roses for her as there were those who were jealous of her brilliance as well as others who wished to take hold of her researches. Yet Valance ignored them all, focusing only on her research and study. Right after graduating from the academy, she officially became a researcher in Magos Le'Flamme, the Technomagic research institution where the Empire's most talented Technomagic experts gather. Being rather unfriendly and having scathing remarks, she was not known to have many friends. Still, there were few precious individuals that could be considered as her friend: Crow who graduated from the same school (he failed to advance to the next grade several times), and Rose who was her classmate. Rose loved Crow unconditionally, wishing for his happiness, and was the only one who understood Valance. Crow silently accompanied Rose who showed him such love. Valance deeply cherished both her friends. But Rose, the one whom Valance could fall back to and trusted, was killed tragically along with her daughter after being caught in a huge conspiracy that was starting to take root in the Empire and drawing attention from a group called Pandora. And so Rose became Valance's only regret and sadness. Remembering her, she joined forces with Crow and swore vengeance on those who orchestrated Rose's demise. Her silent and lofty exterior belie her assertive and straightforward demeanor. She will not hesitate to blurt out and play rough, believing that one needs to be proactive to achieve success. Adventurous and progressive, Valance believes that the future is for those who grab it with their own hands, and such a mindset shows her enterprising tendency. On a side note, she has a strong desire to learn. Whenever she encounters a situation that she cannot understand—especially if it is related to Technomagic—she will become agitated while muttering 'This doesn't make sense.' It might be seen as an unexpected charming point for her who is being rational all the time. Sometimes she crafts weapons for the Hound Unit for free, but she still accepts payments whenever she performs an enhancement or repair. Those in the unit seem to be unaware, but it is certain that someone's wallet got lighter.

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